Saturday, May 20, 2023
Adult GA Ticket: $5
Kids 6-12 GA Ticket: FREE
Pit Gates Open: Noon
GA Tickets: Noon
Racing Starts: 2:00 PM
This is an open drift event.
$80 driver fees includes one team member.
Pit passes $20.
Adult grandstand tickets $5. 12 and under FREE.
Drivers please provide the driver fee via PayPal in advance.
Limited skybox rentals are available. (To rent contact Kalamazoo Speedway directly [269.355.4628])
Drivers (and passenger) must wear a helmet.
Harness & seat belts must be worn.
A fire extinguisher must be mounted in each car within easy reach.
Convertibles must have a hard cap or roll bar.
Message AutoMODIFIED on Facebook or call 269.841.2264.
This is a leased event. Grandstand and pit passes issued by Kalamazoo Speedway are not valid for this event.