Super Shoe 2011 Camping Rules & Regulations
- The date & time for staking out for camping sites will be Saturday, September 24th at 12:00 noon. At 11AM, the staff at the track will be going thru the entire camping are & will be removing any stakes, tape, etc. that people have placed to mark out spots ahead of time. If you came early & marked out a camping spot, this spot will not be saved!! No early spots will be saved except for one area for the Kalamazoo Speedway official’s campers and one area for the Kalamazoo Speedway’s DJ & Karaoke stage.
- Due to the growing popularity of this event as well as the limited amount of space, there will be no saving excessively large camping spots for extra room or an area to park your car haulers. If you are roping off an area for 6 camper units, you must pay for all 6 campers units at the time you are saving these 6 spots. Each camping spot is going to be figured at approximately 20’ wide x 50’ deep. We will not allow a 100’ x 100’ area to be roped off for 3 or 4 campers……we no longer have the room to do this. We have an area across the street that many of the haulers will be parked at; there is simply not enough room to save huge area’s for just 3 or 4 camper units as well as 4 pickups & 4 enclosed trailers. Anyone claiming to sleep in their car trailer; this will then be treated as a camper unit & be assessed the $25 clean up fee.
- Super Shoe XXV will be a fantastic weekend but there are rules that must be followed to keep this event alive & well!! The Kalamazoo County Mounted Division, the Kalamazoo County Sherriff’s Department, as well as the Alamo Fire Department (to keep a check on camp fires, fireworks & fire lanes throughout the camping area) will be patrolling the campground the entire weekend.
- As part of the 25th Anniversary of the Super Shoe Nationals, there will be festivities & special contests (that will be announced in the next couple weeks) throughout the entire weekend that we will be hosting that will insure us all having one of the best Super Shoe weekends there has ever been!!
- All Golf Cart/ATV rules will strictly be enforced; no drivers under the age of 14 will be allowed-no driving over 10mph-all cars will be parked at midnight on every night. If you are caught going against these rules, your cart/ATV will be impounded for the weekend or you will be ask to leave the property for the remainder of the weekend.
- The Kalamazoo Speedway Staff as well as the Kalamazoo County Sherriff’s Department has the right to have you escorted off our property for Super Shoe Weekend. Absolutely no fighting or under aged drinking will be tolerated or allowed on Kalamazoo Speedway property!
- There will be a $25 Clean-up fee charged for each camper.